We believe

Counseling and Classes
New Life Worship Center Sylvan Springs
Types of Counseling Offered:

Marriage Counseling: Strengthen your relationship and overcome challenges with our marriage counseling services. Our trained counselors provide guidance, support, and practical tools to help couples navigate communication issues, conflict resolution, intimacy, and more.

Family Counseling: Address family dynamics, parenting challenges, and relational issues within your family through our family counseling services. Our counselors offer a safe and supportive environment to explore and resolve conflicts, strengthen bonds, and promote healthy relationships.

Individual Counseling: Receive personalized support and guidance through our individual counseling services. Whether you're facing anxiety, depression, grief, or other personal challenges, our counselors are here to listen, support, and empower you on your journey toward healing and wholeness.

Ministry Classes: Enrich your spiritual journey and deepen your understanding of biblical principles through our ministry classes. From discipleship training to leadership development, our ministry classes offer opportunities for personal growth, spiritual formation, and equipping for ministry.

Specialized Counseling Programs: Explore specialized counseling programs and support groups tailored to specific needs and circumstances, such as addiction recovery, divorce care, premarital counseling, and parenting support.

Virtual or in-person Appointments can be made by filling the form below. Contact this number if you have any other questions or need more information.

Click here to book your counseling session or ministry class